Report Cards
Race reports were a thing in my life once. I wouldn't write them often but they were well received in those instances that I did. Nowadays I ride lots, race far less, but still like writing. Furthermore whenever I do write about rides, they're well received. Moreover to that furthermore, lots of the rides I do are like races. Between the elements, the group dynamic, or the antics that unfold on the road.
I'm now testing out a new thing called Ride Report as found in the Strava Ride description section. I wrapped up three great days of touring with inGamba last week in the Russian River and each of those rides received a Ride Report. Then yesterday was something straight out of the 2008 Tour of California. Headwinds causing whitecap winds in the smallest puddles, rain flowing rivers down streets, and... donuts. (There were probably donuts at the Tour of California but they were also probably left to staff.)I also have 4 more days and nearly 450 miles to go, sooo that'll be fun.Ride Report, Day 1 #600NotOn100Anyway, check out some of the shenanigans and I hope this becomes a regular thing.