
In my list of life accomplishments, I can now check off "Wake up at 3am for a 6am start to a 50 mile mountain bike race, drive to race, arrive at a timely 5am, then promptly lock yourself out of your car". I wasn't aspiring towards this check-mark when I arose from my 3am slumber, but having won this race a handful of times in the past, I thought that this was a worthy way to spend my off-season Sunday morning.The off-season is ideal for just that sort of adventure. Namely, burning the candle at both ends in order to soak up whatever zany stories life's got in store, provided you search hard enough. The week before was the Mayor's Cup Criterium in the heart of downtown Boston, which is rad because Boston is effectively my home city and it's not often you race in the center of a major American metropolitan area. Now two gran fondos in Rhode Island and Quebec are on the immediate horizon. Those, plus real estate hunting, sampling the never ending list of tasty IPAs out there, catching up on the freshest of fresh seafood, apple picking, scoping monster trucks, and getting ready for the two biggest events on my calendar -- the 200 Not On 100 and the Krempels King of the Road Challenge -- the fall is off to a spectacular start!
For those intrepid souls interested in joining the fray, we're riding from Allagash Brewing Co. in Portland, Maine with a brief stop off at Hill Farmstead in Greensboro Bend, Vermont for an uplifting libation before finishing up in Waterbury, VT 200 miles later. Coincidentally we will finish up the ride on Route 100 (remember, the 200 Not On 100 is a 200 mile ride taking place not on Route 100, as opposed to the original ride which did span 200 miles, the length of Vermont north to south, entirely on Route 100). Stay tuned for details, but it promises to be a blast because it always is. Pencil in October 9 for a full day of greatness. Ride some, ride the beginning, ride the middle, ride us into Waterbury at the end. You're not obligated to do anything -- EXCEPT that you're not allowed to park at Allagash's HQ in Portland. There is a parking premium and they can't give up spots.I'm thrilled to be hosting the 4th annual Krempels King of the Road Challenge this October 18. If you're interested in riding -- which you should be -- I ask that you please sign up soon just so you know where you'll be that super Saturday morning. And if you can't make it to NH, rest assured you can participate in the Virtual Rider challenge, where you ride on your own time, don't have any registration fees, yet are eligible for all the great prizes through the fundraising incentives! Alternatively, if riding is purely not in the cards, but want to donate your daily $5 latte money, that would be tremendously appreciated as well -- the Krempels Center is such a benevolent organization and has been instrumental in dad's recovery and rehabilitation into the real world. Donations can be made here.Oh, I did get into my car before the start of the Vermont 50, thank you very much. For a half hour, we fished around through the 1.5 inch crack in the window with camping tent poles (too flimsy), a coat hanger (too flimsy), tape (too tapey), and a dozen other tools that would make MacGyver drool with envy. But the friendly tow-truck man was more than happy to let me into the car with about 30 seconds of hard work. Best $85 I spent all morning! So a frantic 15 minutes of race prep ensued and I was off to the races. What a fantastic Sunday morning!Check! Onto the next adventure.