Much like Robbie noted in his last update, my lack of posts is not due to the fact that nothing eventful occurred in the month of June, it's more that nothing worth updating occurred in the month of June. I suppose that everything is going to be somewhat less news worthy when the previous post is about riding with Lance "I'm the man" Armstrong.
One highlight, however, was when Scott was nearly arrested for walking around without pants at our host house in Minnesota. We stayed in the dapper lap of luxury with Doug and Marcia for Nature Valley Grand Prix. One morning, Scott went outside to get something from the team car parked in the driveway. The rest of the guys were slogging around the kitchen in the midst of our morning routine when we hear over a loud speaker, "Step away from the vehicle and put your hands where I can see them!" We all sprinted to the windows to take a peek and notice that the cop was directing his orders to our poor, pantless teammate. It turns out that an security alarm was going off in our neighbor's house, which is why the police man was summoned, but it's still really funny to look at this picture I scored of Scott and his inward-pointing feet. He looks very bird like.
In other news, I was featured on the cover of the critically acclaimed Michigan Sports and Fitness Magazine. Being that our team is based in Michigan, I scored this glamorous cover shot from the Tour of California prologue. What a ferocious face I've got on, eh. I'll be doing an autograph signing session sometime in the upcoming month. I hear all sorts of Michigan celebrities and people of high political office will be coming out for the occasion. I think I'll also be able to secure a Sharpie permenant marker sponsorship out of it.
The good news of the week is that Robbie was healthy enough to finish up the 4 day Fitchburg-Longsjo bike race in central Massachusetts. That's earned him a starting spot out in Cascade which runs July 11-16. Fitchburg marks his first completed stage race in about three months since his surgery. Good things.