Home again home again, jiggidy jig
I always look forward to coming home to New England and getting to race the local races that I've grown up doing the past few years. After arriving back to Rochester, NY one week ago from Joe Martin in Arkansas, Mayo and I packed the lightening quick Civic Hybrid up to the brim (thereby vastly limiting it's lightening quick capabilities) and drove through a ferocious rainstorm to home sweet home in New Hampshire. The weather continued for the latter part of the week to be rainy with a chance of more rain, so the prospect of waking up Saturday morning before the sun rose in order to drive to central New Hampshire didn't seem like the best idea. However, at 5:30 Saturday morning I was checking the consistently incorrect Weather Channel website and saw that there were only "Rare Showers" in the forecast. Being the optimist that I am, I took this to mean warm and sunny.