Me: Hi Guys!
Them: Hi Ted... The reception to the #TKAtoZ Tour has been nothing shy of humbling. There's a considerable amount of putting yourself out there to say, "Oh hey, let me create some pop-up rides and see who's going to show up. Maybe it's one person, maybe it's one hundred. Only way to find out is to do it." I'm simply happy to get people out riding bikes.We had a few more than just one person on today's Boulder, CO edition. Co-hosted by my friend and maven of all things cool in Boulder, Michael Friedberg (plus owner of Yellowbelly Chicken, smack in the middle of town), on a Wednesday at 10am it proved that work is optional as we had 50+ people show off what's right about bikes. (Short answer: everything.) Cycling is the coming together of friends and acquaintances, drinking coffee and sharing more chatter, kitting up and then heading outdoors. It's camaraderie and sharing the road, it's riding 2-by-2 and engaging in conversation with folks you've never met. It's about both riding hard and riding easy, breathing hard and having a laugh. Then wrapping up and eating some chicken, apparently. Bikes are so awesome.
Tiny, eat your food!
Geezum crow, it's beautiful out here.
I'm psyched with the support of professional former teammates like Timmy Duggan, Alex Howes, Julian Kyer, the support the industry and families with Justin and his son Alex from Boulder Cycle Sport, Lentine from Skratch, folks from Panache and Handlebar Mustache socks, family friends like Carl, and just everyone who showed up to ride. It means something huge to me for you to be there, so I thank you.This is a fraction of the total peloton we generated on the ride. Turns out that noon on a Wednesday when we wrapped up, some people do actually have to report back to work. Maybe the Boulder methodology is to ride during work and then work during one's lunch hour.
Next stop, Tahoe! Then immediately into The Coast Ride starting Saturday. Who all's in for that adventure? Come on out, hope to see you there.