Chasing Giants
It was a crisp, fall beauty of a day, so there I was yesterday morning rolling out of Mill Valley on my bicycle. At a casual pace initially, I soon found myself noodling up the legendary Mount Tam. Everything normal.Coming around the bend on this particular sinuous climb, there he was - the first carrot of the day. I ride a bike for a living, I ride professionally, and I wear the whole professional get-up. And I ride fast. So when I see someone in front of me, I nearly always ride faster. I gotta look good in the kit, right? I was impressed with how rapidly I was approaching this gentleman and his bike. No, I'm not dissing his pace whatsoever, I just happen to be feeling my oats and riding speedily on this pleasant morning.From this vantage pointhere I observe he's ticking off a diesel-like 35 revolutions per minute. Additionally I observe that his sweatpants are pulled to ideal shin height to avoid the dreaded drivetrain grease. In a word: pro.
Seconds pass by and I see he is astustely positioned low in the drops for optimal aerodynamacy at this steady 7% grade. And that he either has a Californian man-belt or a Euro-inspired fanny pack.
Getting closer and it's confirmed: fanny pack.
Ladies and gentleman, please allow me to introduce you to yesterday's inspiration to me, Dave Hill. A fitting name. Well, Dave Mount Tamalpais might be a bit of a stretch, so seeing Dave climb this amplified hill called "Mount Tam" is still fitting in my mind. We chatted for a bit and I learned that Dave runs three days per week and summits Mount Tam on his non-Cannondale steed at least once per week. Not shabby for a 73 year old! You're an inspiration Dave. Enjoy the ride.And here is my ride.