Ted King

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Babies are Like Totally Chick Magnets

The benefits of being one of my best friends are virtually endless. Highlights include:

  • General awesomeness by association.
  • Frequent high fives allotted out by yours truly.
  • Sampling some of the finest foods you've ever eaten, generally homemade but I enjoy fine dinner establishments as well.
  • Aaaaaaannnd of course, the possibility to be mentioned in my blog, which brings me to today's subject matter...

Look, I'm an pretty cool guy. I'm a bachelor, I'm a professional athlete living the dream, and if you read my ABOUT section, you'll see that I enjoy putting out the vibe. I'm single so the prospect of children is still a fair ways off (...sorry Mom and Dad. Maybe this blog post will help me start working on that).What I'm alluding to here is that babies don't rank high on my order of operations.That said, when you're one of my best friends AND you have a baby who is extraordinarily cute, you're on an elite list of people who receive the royal treatment (which is especially exciting, being that my last name is King). Namely, your baby receives something that no one else in THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS. Now that's some pretty elite company - or lack thereof.No lie, I had this bad-boy made up fully custom (umm, the shirt - not the baby)! Yup, one of a kind shirt for the baby in question.


This one says, "Hello world, I'm all kinds of cute!"


This one says, "What's shakin' Momma Mia? Check out my sweet new threads! Oh wait, you already have one. Cool cool. I love you mom!"


Aaaand this one says, "Mom, I've had enough of these stupid pictures. Oh, P.S. you may want to check my diaper."IMG_2561

And on that note, while not yet a national holiday, January 31st is my birthday. In lieu of going to the trouble of having you send me something to Europe, I sincerely encourage you to vastly increase your street cred while donating to the Krempels Center by purchasing either a t-shirt or stickers, both found here. As a reminder, 50% of shirt profits and 100% of the sticker profits go to Krempels.Holler.